X-Ray Attacks – Featured Puzzles

These introductory puzzles along with their detailed explanations will help you get used to this pattern. You will then be able to train in the next parts on a number of puzzles with increasing difficulty.


Detailed Solution
Here Black’s Bishop on d7 is attacked not only by White’s Bishop on h3 but also by the Queen on a4, going “through” Black’s Queen. Since White has more pieces attacking the Bishop that Black has pieces defending it, Bxd7 wins material. Black can capture the Queen with Qxa4 but it will be captured back with Bxa4.

Detailed Solution
Here the critical square is e1 as Black can deliver checkmate if they manage to stick the Queen or the Rook on it. In fact, both pieces are pointing right to it and Qe1+ actually wins the game for Black, followed by 2. Rxe1 Rxe1#.

Detailed Solution
The Rook on b8 x-rays through White’s Rook to support the Queen’s attack on b5. Black wins material with Qxb5, followed by 2. Rxb5 Rxb5.

Detailed Solution
Both White’s Queen on c5 and Rook on d8 threaten the f8 square and can force checkmate, with the support of the Bishop on b4.

Detailed Solution
White captures the Knight for free, disproving Black’s checkmate idea, as if Black plays Qd1+, White retreats the Queen with Qe1 and now both the Rook and Queen defend each other, making a back-rank checkmate impossible.

Detailed Solution
Black plays Qd1+, forcing the King to move out of the d-file and lining up on d8, which is now attacked both by the Rook and Queen and only defended by White’s Queen.

Detailed Solution
Black threatens Qxh1 but White plays Be4, defending the Rook through Black’s Queen and actually trapping the Queen!

Detailed Solution
Black sacrifices the Queen with Qh1+, forcing the Bishop to capture with Bxh1, but this actually wins the game for Black as the Rook flies down the h-file and checkmates the King with support from the Bishop on b7.

Detailed Solution
Nb3 saves the Knight from certain demise as b3 is indirectly defended by the Queen on e6.

Detailed Solution
White trades Queens in order to clear the e-file and to play Re8+, saving the Knight and ending up ahead in material.