About Us

Welcome to Chessipedia!

At Chessipedia, our focus is clear: we want to help you improve at chess by challenging you with series of puzzles that highlight specific and often overlooked patterns. We offer you the possibility to train on these patterns again and again so that when they come up in your games, you will recognize them instantly!

Our Approach to Chess Mastery

As a long-time chess player myself, I have come to understand the importance of recognizing patterns. Our method involves repetitive practice with a variety of puzzles tailored to each pattern. Rather than solve 30 “Mate in One” puzzles, we suggest that you try instead to solve 30 “Anastasia Mate” puzzles, forcing yourself to look for this particular pattern each time and you will see that it quickly becomes second nature. This approach, combined with regular game play and “traditional” puzzle solving, is a great way to enhance your chess skills. We believe in hyper-focused learning, and our puzzles are designed to help you do just that!

What We Offer Now and What’s Ahead

We are constantly working on expanding our content. Our website currently includes an array of puzzles covering around 20 unique patterns. However, this is just the beginning and we’ll soon be introducing new additions to our collection and more. Stay tuned for updates and click here for a sneak peek at what’s coming next!

A Resource for Every Chess Enthusiast

Our website is designed to cater to chess players at every stage of their learning journey. Whether you are a beginner eager to grasp the basics or an experienced player aiming to refine your skills, we have tailored content for you. Our diverse range of puzzles ensures that everyone, regardless of their level, finds value and opportunity for improvement. We are committed to providing an inclusive platform where each player can find the resources they need to improve their chess.

Get in Touch with Us!
If you have any questions or comments about our chess content, please use the form below to get in touch with us. We will do our best to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.