Overloading – Featured Puzzles

These introductory puzzles along with their detailed explanations will help you get used to this pattern. You will then be able to train in the next parts on a number of puzzles with increasing difficulty.



Detailed Solution
With Rxb4, White takes advantage of the fact that the black rook cannot defend the e8-square and the bishop on b4 at the same time.


Detailed Solution
With Re8+, White forces the black Rook to capture on e8, leaving the black Queen without support, and causing her to fall on the next move.


Detailed Solution
With Rxd5, Black finds out that the pawn protecting the Knight and Bishop is actually overworked. Black gets two minor pieces for the Rook, which is an advantageous trade.


Detailed Solution
With Nxd4, Black wins the white Knight because the white Rook on d1 cannot defend this knight and at the same time protect c1, where Black can fork the King and Queen with the Rook.


Detailed Solution
With Ng4 Black shows that the Bishop on e2 is overloaded as it cannot defend the Rook on f1 AND prevent checkmate on h2 by capturing the knight on g4.


Detailed Solution
Qxa8 proves that a White victory is inevitable, as the black Rook on f8 is overloaded and cannot effectively defend a8 and prevent a checkmate on the back rank at the same time.


Detailed Solution
With Qxf6, White removes one of the two defenders of the critical g4 square and overloads the other defender at the same time.
With the g4 square freed, White can deliver checkmate with the pawn.


Detailed Solution
With Rxb5, White takes advantage of the fact the black Queen is overloaded, as it cannot defend the bishop on b5 and prevent a deadly fork by White with Qa8+ at the same time.


Detailed Solution
With Rxa6, Black can gain material as the white Queen is stuck defending h1 to prevent checkmate. White tries to counterattack but Black can simply into a winning endgame.


Detailed Solution
With Rc8, Black threatens checkmate on the back-rank and the white Knight on e7 is forced to choose between capturing the Rook and defending its Queen.

These introductory puzzles along with their detailed explanations will help you get used to this pattern. You will then be able to train in the next parts on a number of puzzles with increasing difficulty.



Detailed Solution
With Rxb4, White takes advantage of the fact that the black rook cannot defend the e8-square and the bishop on b4 at the same time.


Detailed Solution
With Re8+, White forces the black Rook to capture on e8, leaving the black Queen without support, and causing her to fall on the next move.


Detailed Solution
With Rxd5, Black finds out that the pawn protecting the Knight and Bishop is actually overworked. Black gets two minor pieces for the Rook, which is an advantageous trade.


Detailed Solution
With Nxd4, Black wins the white Knight because the white Rook on d1 cannot defend this knight and at the same time protect c1, where Black can fork the King and Queen with the Rook.


Detailed Solution
With Ng4 Black shows that the Bishop on e2 is overloaded as it cannot defend the Rook on f1 AND prevent checkmate on h2 by capturing the knight on g4.


Detailed Solution
Qxa8 proves that a White victory is inevitable, as the black Rook on f8 is overloaded and cannot effectively defend a8 and prevent a checkmate on the back rank at the same time.


Detailed Solution
With Qxf6, White removes one of the two defenders of the critical g4 square and overloads the other defender at the same time.
With the g4 square freed, White can deliver checkmate with the pawn.


Detailed Solution
With Rxb5, White takes advantage of the fact the black Queen is overloaded, as it cannot defend the bishop on b5 and prevent a deadly fork by White with Qa8+ at the same time.


Detailed Solution
With Rxa6, Black can gain material as the white Queen is stuck defending h1 to prevent checkmate. White tries to counterattack but Black can simply into a winning endgame.


Detailed Solution
With Rc8, Black threatens checkmate on the back-rank and the white Knight on e7 is forced to choose between capturing the Rook and defending its Queen.
Course: Private: Overloading